March 2024 Spotlight

A conversation with Angela Ver Ploeg, Senior Director of Corporate Engagement at the University of Wyoming Foundation.

Talk about some of your successes at work. How has NACRO allowed you to be successful and maximize your program?

When I started this work, this was a new position not only for me, but for the University of Wyoming. While we still have a long way to go, I’m excited to share the following accomplishments. These were all inspired by NACRO resources and colleagues doing inspiring work at their respective universities:

  • Implementation of a database that is organized to capture and organize data from a variety of sources on campus to help us evaluate and analyze corporate engagement data.
  • Colleagues from across campus providing data, including company investments in research and career fair attendance, used to provide a holistic view of company relationships with the University of Wyoming.
  • Creating a formal collaboration growing with our colleagues across campus with a new launch of an Office of Industry and Strategic Partnerships, a joint effort between our Research and Economic Development Division and the UW Foundation.
  • Creating a community of key team members who value holistic corporate engagement and embrace the important roles we all play to create an inviting environment for industry at the University of Wyoming.
Can you give us an example of how NACRO membership has helped you or your corporate relations team grow in your careers?

I jumped feet first into being a part of a committee and even agreed to co-lead a committee. While this might have been a bit over ambitious for my first year in the role, it forced me to really be a part of the organization in a big way. A bonus for having fantastic colleagues to engage with in NACRO? When you reach out to ask for a resource or to come to their campus in person to see their model – I had friends who immediately said yes and have helped me tremendously.

Are there NACRO membership resources that you regularly refer to or take advantage of?

When I first started in this role, I would use my long drives on trips to listen to recorded sessions and print the various white papers and resources NACRO created to read on the airplane. They have been invaluable for inspiring the work we are doing here at the University of Wyoming.